Our Technology

Unique algorithms

Unique algorithms
The patented Ontology Filtering algorithm differs from current algorithms in several crucial aspects:

The algorithm does not only use sales data but also takes into consideration semantic product information (such as product attributes). This allows us to better understand what people are buying and to know what intrinsic features of the product are important to the Internet user.

Research & Development
A true scientific partnership
Since it was founded in 2008, Prediggo has been using a patented technology developed in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (LIA) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL).

Context Tree, a new algorithm
From the beginning, Prediggo has built a close partnership with the EPFL, which has allowed us to develop new, avant-garde solutions for e-tailers. This collaboration produced the new Genetic Search search algorithm, and more recently the new Context Tree recommendation algorithm.
The Context Tree is a new artificial intelligence method that uses Bayesian Variable-order Markov Models based on users’ journeys on the site in order to make recommendations. AB tests at our customers’ sites have shown that this new algorithm, when given enough customer journey data, sells up to 4 times more products than traditional solutions. Without these data, the Ontology Filtering algorithm remains the best.
These results were published at theAAAI 2019 conference, one of the most prestigious Artificial Intelligence academic conferences in the world. Many resellers talk about Artificial Intelligence without publishing their research or having it validated by independent researchers. At Prediggo, we are proud to demonstrate our competence in this field, and help the scientific community to move forward.
“In addition to my research and teaching at EPFL, I serve and have served the Artificial Intelligence community as Associate Editor of various academic journals. I regularly serve on conference organizing committees (IJCAI, AAAI, ECAI, and others) and have been a program (co-)chair for seminars and conferences.”
“Through our work with Prediggo, we have a better understanding of the impacts and limitations of our research technologies, which allows us to better guide them. Few research groups have the opportunity to measure the impact of their algorithms in real-life conditions. We hope to continue this strong partnership in the future.”
Boi Faltings
Professor of Artificial Intelligence, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)