Assist your visitors in their research.
Based on a unique technology, our search engine optimizes the experience of your users while multiplying your sales opportunities.

Your content displayed in any situation
Prediggo offers a range of tools that allow your products to be found quickly and efficiently.
Accent errors, spelling variants, letter inversions and other inaccuracies are a daily occurrence in search engine queries. Prediggo corrects them so your products can be found.

Intelligent Search understands and corrects user errors.

Intelligent Search is able to recognize terms even on a phonetic basis.

Expand the results displayed with all possible variations of a term.
Keyword suggestions assist the user in his choice.
The relevant categories are automatically detected.
You can also display any type of related content such as banners.
The list of relevant products is displayed instantly.

73% of users leave a site if they do not find the products they are looking for in less than 2 minutes. Intelligent Search drastically reduces the bounce rate related to empty results.

Increase long tail sales
Increased interactions via recos
Increase in conversion rate
Increase in basket value
Conversions after clicks on similar products
Decrease of the bounce rate on the list pages

Unlike most players in the market, our algorithms are not based on Solr or Elastic Search. Comparative tests have demonstrated the superiority of our solutions.
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