emerchandising by Prediggo

All-in-one Merchandising

Effective and responsive marketing

Prediggo brings together all the tools your marketing needs to showcase your products and animate your sales offers.

Prediggo Search

Visual Merchandising

Prediggo gives you complete control over the presentation of your range and the construction of your product pages.

emerchandising with Prediggo

Want to choose the exact location of each element on your page? Prediggo gives you absolute control over all your products and much more. You can also configure the facets of your pages as well as the banners that will be displayed.

Ai-Powered Merchandising
Present your best products at the best time
Our AI engine determines the ideal placement, sorting and display of your products to improve your conversion rate.

As soon as a user visits your site, Prediggo collects data and models the user’s preferences.

Our algorithms then adapt the display of your catalog to match your visitor’s profile.

Automation by rules
Implémentez rapidement vos stratégies commercialesImplement your business strategies quickly
More than 40 standard and advanced rules are offered by Prediggo. If that’s not enough for you, create new ones or make original combinations in a few clicks. You can also boost or penalize products for perfect control.
Align search results with your business strategies.
With Prediggo, there is no need to multiply landing pages. In a few clicks you can set up your search results and list pages according to your needs and business strategies.

Want to see more?

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