In less than 10 millisecond, our Intelligent Search solution displays the most relevant products for your visitors. Even if their research is wrong or imprecise. But it can do much more …

The heart of any strategy

A powerful search engine

The most direct access to your products is the search engine, this makes it an essential component of your eCommerce site.

Especially since searchers on a site are 21% more likely to convert than regular users. (1)


Source: Forrest research – Must-Have eCommerce Features


What if your products went out looking for your customers?

“Very good results with a significant drop in the number of searches without results thanks to Intelligent Search.”

Stéphane Smolarek

eCommerce website and eCommerce mobile applications Manager, Drive, Intermarché


Multiple benefits

Flexible, fast and efficient

  • Ergonomic and user-friendly interface.
  • Jusqu’à 2,5 fois plus rapide1 que
    Lucene (indexing and query).(1)
  • Additional correction algorithms using phonetic search, Word Split and many others.
  • Keywords Searchandising to drive product display, facets, sorting and boosting.
  • Includes Prediggo personalization features.


What we offer


Intelligent Search anticipates the user’s searches, completes them and offers the most relevant search terms for your product range.

Smart correction

Our engine combines multiple correction algorithms to answer all queries, even the most wacky.

Advanced sorting & filtering

Adjust the results display by highlighting your bestsellers or define your own strategic display rules in a few clicks.

Content indexing

Our search engines do not just index the product pages. It also returns your banners, CMS content and promotions.

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